Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Odoyle RULES.."


I'm sure most of you have see or at least heard of the film "Billy Madison". Throughout the film in different grades there are class bully's that are all from the same family and they bully Billy (even though he's at least twice their age). The families name is Odoyle and one prank that they pulled on Billy that really stuck in my mind was filling his locker up with manure so that when he opened it it fell all over him. For some reason when I thought of bullying those scenes from the movie came to my mind. I mean thats what the classic bully is right? They do mean, awful things to people they find weaker then them. But lets be real pulling pranks on somebody isn't the only form of bullying. I'm plus sized and have been my whole life and I've been verbally bullied in my past because of it. I remember in middle school some of the kids would randomly decide to call me names and say fat girl comments and it really messed with me. I always tried to pretend that it didn't bother me and I told them to eff off pretty much but I would go home and cry for hours by myself. I personally don't understand the need to bully anybody and I try to make a concious effort not to pick on anybody. Although I'm sure as much as I'd like to say I've never bullied somebody I'm sure that I have in one way or another. So why do people bully? Here is a website that gives a list of possible reasons for why people bully : Why do some people bully? I think that the list provides a lot of true reasons that people bully but I still can't say I see why some people in these same situations don't bully. I wish I could say that theres good behaviour in bullying but I really do think its all bad.

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