Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chinese Foot Binding

I know that this was mentioned briefly in our body modification but I felt it necessary to touch base. I know that the whole point of this module is try to find the good in what is seen as "bad" in society but to be honest sometimes bad behaviour really is exactly that. After the lecture I came I started to research a little bit on foot binding and how it started. I found out that in the 10th century, emperor. Li Yu of the Southern Tang dynasty in China ordered on of his slave girls to bind her feet in silk ribbons and dance on a platform littered with golden lotus flowers (Click here for more information from this article). Okay two things, first off slave girls? This should have put up a red flag immediately to the Chinese community that this was not a cool thing to do. Anybody that can actually say that they made somebody do this is bad enough but the fact that he did it to one of his slave girls. You've got to be kidding me. Also, if this emperor did make his slave girl do this why on earth did other people decide that it should become a trend? I mean I realize that there is a huge respect level that goes along with the whole emperor thing but I'd hope that the community would have been smart enough to realize that this isn't a beautiful thing to do. But I guess if they were doing this to people old enough to give consent I can't bitch too much. On the other hand I also found out that foot binding was banned in 1912 but there seems to be some people that still practice it. The age that seems most popular to do this is 5 -7 years old. Hopefully the number of people doing this is actually decreasing and the act will end completely in a couple of years. If not I don't see much more awful things you can do to your child when they don't get a say in it or not.

Here is an article that interviews some of the oldest & supposed to be "last" foot binding victims: Painful Memories for China's Footbinding survivors

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