Thursday, May 6, 2010

Goodbye to Bad Behaviour..

Okay who am I kidding the bad behaviour that I do participate in I am sure I will continue to but at least I'm more educated on the possible reasons to why I do it. I just wanted to let you know that as an exchange student from the States I loved this module. I wish that I could start a module up like this at my University at home. I appreciate the mixture of topics and professors that taught them and all of the students that participated in the lectures. You all made it so fun for me! In fact I think that it will be the only class that I really will always remember. Enjoy your summers and good luck to everyone in the future years! Cheers!

This is where I'll be heading home to in 18 days..I wish I could show you more interesting pictures but there really aren't any lol Google it if your interested.

Response to Sangeeta's spoiled children blog..

Hey, good choice for a lost blog! Would have never thought to discuss the spoiling of children. Although I do agree with you that you shouldn't overly spoil your children and you definitely shouldn't let them take control of you I have to say that not all spoiling leads to bratty kids. I am the youngest and the only girl, I have 2 older brothers and I have to say that I've always been slightly spoiled. It's not just my parents that have spoiled me but both of my older brothers have as well. It's not always materialistic things either but they would just do anything for me and I'm not bratty from it. In fact I appreciate everything that my family has done for me and I love them for always being there for me. My parents did a good job raising me, even if I was a little spoiled.

Chinese Foot Binding

I know that this was mentioned briefly in our body modification but I felt it necessary to touch base. I know that the whole point of this module is try to find the good in what is seen as "bad" in society but to be honest sometimes bad behaviour really is exactly that. After the lecture I came I started to research a little bit on foot binding and how it started. I found out that in the 10th century, emperor. Li Yu of the Southern Tang dynasty in China ordered on of his slave girls to bind her feet in silk ribbons and dance on a platform littered with golden lotus flowers (Click here for more information from this article). Okay two things, first off slave girls? This should have put up a red flag immediately to the Chinese community that this was not a cool thing to do. Anybody that can actually say that they made somebody do this is bad enough but the fact that he did it to one of his slave girls. You've got to be kidding me. Also, if this emperor did make his slave girl do this why on earth did other people decide that it should become a trend? I mean I realize that there is a huge respect level that goes along with the whole emperor thing but I'd hope that the community would have been smart enough to realize that this isn't a beautiful thing to do. But I guess if they were doing this to people old enough to give consent I can't bitch too much. On the other hand I also found out that foot binding was banned in 1912 but there seems to be some people that still practice it. The age that seems most popular to do this is 5 -7 years old. Hopefully the number of people doing this is actually decreasing and the act will end completely in a couple of years. If not I don't see much more awful things you can do to your child when they don't get a say in it or not.

Here is an article that interviews some of the oldest & supposed to be "last" foot binding victims: Painful Memories for China's Footbinding survivors

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Response to Jennie's Being Bad "Racism" blog

I'm really glad you included racism in your blog. I think its probably one of the worse behaviours of the world and its something that I absolutely can't stand. I like that you point out that we all have the same coloured blood flowing through our veins and breathe the same air. I think that people easily forget that and for some crazy reason think they have more of a right to breathe the air around them then others do. I really enjoyed the poem too. Thanks again for touching on such an important topic!

"Odoyle RULES.."


I'm sure most of you have see or at least heard of the film "Billy Madison". Throughout the film in different grades there are class bully's that are all from the same family and they bully Billy (even though he's at least twice their age). The families name is Odoyle and one prank that they pulled on Billy that really stuck in my mind was filling his locker up with manure so that when he opened it it fell all over him. For some reason when I thought of bullying those scenes from the movie came to my mind. I mean thats what the classic bully is right? They do mean, awful things to people they find weaker then them. But lets be real pulling pranks on somebody isn't the only form of bullying. I'm plus sized and have been my whole life and I've been verbally bullied in my past because of it. I remember in middle school some of the kids would randomly decide to call me names and say fat girl comments and it really messed with me. I always tried to pretend that it didn't bother me and I told them to eff off pretty much but I would go home and cry for hours by myself. I personally don't understand the need to bully anybody and I try to make a concious effort not to pick on anybody. Although I'm sure as much as I'd like to say I've never bullied somebody I'm sure that I have in one way or another. So why do people bully? Here is a website that gives a list of possible reasons for why people bully : Why do some people bully? I think that the list provides a lot of true reasons that people bully but I still can't say I see why some people in these same situations don't bully. I wish I could say that theres good behaviour in bullying but I really do think its all bad.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Response to Salvation's "Shoplifting Celebrities" blog..

I read something similar on a new-age group of shop lifters. I have to admit it took me by surprise to read and the article that I read was based off of a women who had a good high paying job still. She claimed that she didn't feel bad about stealing because she had spent money at those stores before and that its kind of a way to get revenge on the companies for ripping people off. For me this just doesn't make sense. I think that what you said in the beginning about people with money getting a higher sentence in court is correct. Not saying that they should have to pay more because it is possible that some of them just have a mental illness but perhaps they should have to seek mental help then? Anyway, loved the facts you included in this.

But Mom, I already have little toes and fingers, why do you want to get rid of me?


YIKES guys sorry for such a graphic picture but when I saw it I had to use it, even though it makes me sick to my stomach. Abortion is obviously a hot topic for everyone. I've read many different blogs on abortion and every single one of them have pulled on my heart strings. I personally still have a hard time telling where I stand on this issue. I'd like to say I'm completely against somebody having this option but I know that I can't honestly say that. I mean think about the people who have been rape victims or if they know that the baby will be sick when they are born and probably die anyway. Shouldn't they have the right to choose? What I do know is that I am NOT okay with all of the people who feel as if its okay to keep having sex without using protection and they have not only had one abortion but at least 2. I mean come on there are tons of different types of contraceptive options and its really not hard to put a condom on. There is a girl that went to high school with me that just had her 4th abortion. I feel as if there needs to be some kind of limit on the number that one individual is allowed to get. And I have to wonder how the hell somebody lives with themselves after doing such a thing so often, it almost seems easy to her, which I can't even imagine it being close to easy. Okay I am done ranting. Here is an article that discusses some of the pros & cons of abortion: Lifestyle Lounge: Society: Pros and Cons about Abortion. I'm clearly just ranting but I do realize that there are good and bad to everything. The article brings up some pretty good of both so check it out.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Response to Perfect Perpetual Passion's "..Weed and Wisdom...;)" blog

I think you make a strong point on the fact that perhaps marijuana isn't really as bad as people like to make it out to be. In fact I pretty much agree completely that it's almost always natural and can help people that experience a lot of pain from medical illnesses. So maybe if people were to not take advantage of what nature gives us we could all look past the stereotyped badness of it? And I agree with anonymous above that talks about how other drugs aren't as okay and you gotta watch out for people messing with the naturalness of weed. Good post though, your article choices were interesting!

"I think when you dissect a joke too much, you have ruined whatever there is in comedy."- Bob Saget

When I think of bad comedians one of the first people to come to my mind is Bob Saget. I'm hoping that you all have heard of him and know that although he is now a stand up comic that tells filthy, nasty jokes he was also once the host of a family television series called "Americas Funniest Home Videos" and played a love-able father, 'Danny Tanner' on "Full House" in the 90s. But now Saget has shied away from that part of his life and has been re-inventing himself with his stand up that is nothing sweet & innocent like those shows. So for many its hard for them to picture him saying such things because of his previous show biz. One of his most recent claims to fame is his film called Aristocrats. Heres a clip from it: Bob Saget "Aristocrats" clip. (WARNING: DO NOT LISTEN TO IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED). Pretty much its a famous joke going discussing how a poorer family goes into the office of a circus runner and start having sexual relations with each other...except it goes into poo, vomit, get the idea. The rest of the movie includes other comedians telling their version of the same joke. So if this is a famous joke that many comedians tell there has to be a reason. People have to laugh. I feel as if comedy is a guilty pleasure for everyone but everyone, in one way or another, has laughed at a dirty joke. A joke that goes against every single moral that somebody may have but since we know that its a joke we feel its okay to laugh. If they were actually that bad then people wouldn't be able to relate enough to the jokes to actually laugh. So perhaps Saget was right, the issue isn't that the joke is bad but perhaps people have a habit of dissecting a joke too much and therefore ruining the joke.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Response to Blossom's "Why does a Dog Lick its Balls?" blog

I loved what you wrote in the blog. It literally brought a smile to my face. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said,

"I have a nose and lungs, so that I can breathe, legs and feet, which are very useful for walking, and eyes to see wonderful sights. With this same logic it follows that I have several fingers, a clitoris and a rather fertile imagination so it would really be a waste not to use them too."

I also liked that you discussed how we go for massages for the pleasure of touch as well. Great post!

I tried to stop #$&%ing swearing once but...


I'm a swearing addict. I don't even necessarily like to admit it because lets be honest I don't think theres anything really sexy when a woman drops the F-bomb on a daily basis. But still, the words just flow out of my mouth multiple times a day. I mean even though I don't think its attractive I've never been one to think swearing was a bad thing. For me they are just words, just all the other words we use everyday and to be honest half the time I use the words I'm not using its defined meaning. In fact most of the time I'm just using the words when I'm telling a story and want to express myself effectively! So the good news is I found an article from Scientific American that discusses that new studies show that swearing could actually be good for you because it can help you relieve more pain. There was a study done to see how long university students emerged their hands in ice cold water and students could either choose a swear word to say repeatedly or chant a neutral word and the study showed that the 67 students repeating the swear word reported less pain and usually lasted an average 40 seconds longer than the students chanting the neutral word. The article goes on to discuss how swearing is also a way of expressing our emotions, whether it be anger, joy, surprise, happiness, etc (Why the #$%! Do We Swear? For Pain Relief.-Fredrik Joelving). So lucky us, maybe swearing isn't so #@%$ing bad after all!