Wednesday, April 21, 2010

John Dillinger: Gangster or Robin hood of his time?

I wish I could think of a creative title for this but I just couldn't. It may have something to do with the simple fact that I've had a hard time really getting into this topic. Sure, I see the connection with the module and after a little procrastination I actually was able to start analyzing if these bandits we discussed in class really were "helping the poor". The story of Robin Hood was the one I was most familiar with and I still do believe other bandits we talked about I realized that the people of their time might have been a little misled. The one that caught my attention the most was John Dillinger. I knew of some movies that were based around Dillinger, including the most recent one with Johnny Depp in it, but I hadn't bothered to see any of them. Clearly gangster movies aren't my thing. But I started to read up on Dillinger and learned about how he was a bank robber and gangster during the great depression and how people of his time looked to him as a hero almost. Since there was so much drama during that era with banks pretty much stealing the peoples money I see how they may have thought somebody robbing from those same banks that were basically robbing them (of their homes and money) would seem almost heroic but were they receiving any of this money from Dillinger? No. So even though the bank and ultimately the government was being retaliated on by Dillinger the people of the country were still suffering. They weren't receiving anything personally so I don't think that he could be compared to as a Robin Hood. The research that I found on Dillinger was more of a historical line going through his life and the different crimes that he had committed. His story is an interesting one and the article is as well. I especially found it interesting that Dillinger was a leader of a gang when he was only 16 and the gang used to rob old coal mines. Heres a link to the article (I suggest if you have any interest in Dillinger to check it out, hell check it out if you don't it might spark an interest like it has for me): John Dillinger Biography

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