Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bad Cinema: Kids

I have to say that this movie was rough for me to take in, not necessarily the message that it sends because I think it's an important one but more the way that they went about filming the movie. I mean I think that the movie is a little over dramatic in what they had the kids doing. I'm from the states and I know that there is partying and sex in high school, I mean that is definite-not for every student but overall it happens but I wouldn't say its much like whats seen in the movies. There are house parties where the major drugs are alcohol and maybe some marijuana. Every once in awhile you'll find the group of kids that venture out and try more hardcore things like coke and pill popping but its rare. Now sex on the other hand has become more and more common and I know that even in just my graduating class there were at least 6 girls that had kids before they graduated. I thought the movie did a good job talking about STDs because to be honest its not something that people really think that can happen to them-I think even more so in the States. When I started thinking about writing this blog I started doing some research on the number of teens affected by STDs a year in the U.S. The most recent article I could find included statistics from 2007 and discussed how rates for teens infected with STDs has been on the increase. In 2007, Teens from the age of 15-19 with Chlamydia were 379,418-Gonorrhea: 98,579-Syphilis: 664 (STD Statistics-Teen STD Statistics). This wasn't the only age groups the website included but I thought it was most fitting for the ages of the kids in the movie but to be honest some of the other numbers were even more shocking. To me I guess it shows that we are slightly uneducated in how to practice safe sex-no matter how much we'd like to think that out sex ed lessons in health class teach us everything it doesn't. I think its time for everybody to get a little educated (its not hard to practice safe sex, really) before it gets too "bad".

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