Thursday, April 15, 2010

Flirtation: attention without intention? That is the question.

After the lecture on infidelity it really got me thinking about whats considered cheating. I mean sure theres the obvious sexual affairs that people may have but what about something as innocent as flirting? Luckily I'm single so I can flirt with as many people as I do please but I've watched a lot of my friends struggle with this issue. One of my best friends has been dating for her boyfriend for 2 years now but she has insisted in the past that he was flirting with one of their mutual friends, who just so happens to have been dating somebody for almost 6 years. So did my friend have the right to get upset? Personally at first I thought not. I mean to me it was like even if her boyfriend was casually flirting with their friend, which lets be real I know a lot of guys that flirt without even realizing that they are doing it, he wasn't trying to get her into bed or even making a sexual move on her at all. But after doing some research online it got me thinking that maybe I was wrong. I read the article, "When Does Flirting Become Cheating" which discusses that when a person is in a committed relationship even the lightest flirting can become dangerous because it's a very emotional act. See I was looking at cheating as being mainly physical but the more I thought about it the more I realized the reason people flirt in the first place. I mean sure sometimes you flirt just to have fun with somebody but regardless you are trying to stir up some kind of emotion in the person whether its for laughs or not. Taking a look at myself I realized I usually flirt based on the obvious attraction I have for somebody and at times I flirt with people that I may not have a huge attraction to but I know they have one for me. I can see now that maybe, just maybe flirting could indeed become hazardous to your relationships and could turn into cheating, whether emotionally or physically but should it be considered bad behaviour? I wish I could give a yes or no answer but personally I'm still torn and until I'm put in that situation I'm not sure I'll be able to, at least not honestly. Feel free to let me know what you all think.

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