Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Cmon man just try it, just do it this one time."

Peer Pressure. Now many of you may think I'm nuts for including this in a "Being Bad" class as peer pressure may not seem like such a big deal. But personally I think that it has some very awful effects on people. Think about being a teenager-like 14-17- and how many people tried to get you do something that you were hesitant to do. We have all been peer pressured and we all know how difficult it is to resist when on person is persistent. So are we being bad by surrounding ourselves with people that peer pressure us or is that just part of growing up? I personally think that peer pressure is just a part of life and perhaps even human nature. I know that as much as I'd like to say that I've never peer pressured anybody I know that I have, even if it's just something as small as one of my friends not wanting to go out one night and me pestering them until they give in and I get my way. But whats worse, somebody who surrounds themselves with people who constantly peer pressure or the people that do the peer pressuring?For instance somebody who struggles with alcoholism but still insists on hanging out with people that are constantly drinking and trying to get them to drink as well. There is clearly fault in the friends that are doing the peer pressure but if you know that you have a problem and that they only make it worse aren't you just as guilty for surrounding yourself with that way of living?

Peer Pressure isn't always bad though. I mean somebody could be constantly pressuring you into reading for an assignment or doing your school work. Or for the reverse role above and try to pressure you into hanging out with a new group of friends that won't have such a negative role on you.

I'm not going to fib when I say that the articles that I've read on peer pressure are pretty much what you'd expect: tutorials on what peer pressure is, how you can fight peer pressure, etc. But I still thought that this website had a good approach to it. They discuss why we look up to our peers so much, how peer pressure can be good and what to do when the pressure is on. Check it out: Peer Pressure

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