Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Self improvement, is masturbation."-Fight Club



The act of touching oneself to produce a favorable feeling in the groin area. Usually accompanied by some sort of mental, visual, or audio stimulation to assist in reaching climax.

jerking off; spit-shining the old water pump; waxing the brass candlestick; beating off; playing cards with only one hand on the table; riding the quarter-horse; joining the mile-high club, solo-aviator division; giving in to the hand police; self-actualization; fully realizing your potential
No honey, I don't want to tonight, I'm tired from watching Oprah. Why don't you just go masturbate?

That dumb broad got me all worked up and left me; so I had to spit-shine the old water pump manually if ya know what I mean.


Mass murder of millions of tiny defenseless sperm."

...There are clearly many ways of defining masturbation, these two are the first two that come up on Urban Dictionary
and I have to say they gave me quite a laugh. But why is masturbation considered such a taboo? In my eyes theres a lot worse things that a person could do then sexually pleasing themselves from time to time. I mean I find it so hard to believe that they used to perform preventative "treatments" on men and women so that they didn't crave that sexual need anymore or that they created harnesses and made people wear them so that they were physically punished if they did try to masturbate. We may not have harnesses anymore but masturbation continues to be something that many people deny they partake in. I know that at home in the states many of my girl friends still to this day deny the fact that they've ever touched themselves and crinkle their nose at the thought of somebody masturbating-"I would never do that"-they all say. But as we covered in class, masturbation is a natural instinct and we all in face have masturbated whether we remember it or not-since it's known that infants and children do so without even realizing it. After doing some research online I found an article that discussed the International Guidelines on Sexual Education. It discusses how the guidelines mention promoting masturbation as a way to get kids to wait to have sex, something that I think its just absolutely brilliant. Why would we not prefer our youth to holding off on sex by pleasing themselves? It's better then somebody that is young and immature getting pregnant at a young age or getting caught up in something that they aren't ready for and not using protection and getting an STD. The article goes on to discuss how many US right-winged news groups (such as Fox News) tried to make this seem like an awful idea by discussing teaching 5-8 year olds masturbation. Personally, I wasn't shocked by this at all being from the US myself I know that this happens much too often. Too bad the right-winged conservatives have to take something that will ultimately help our youth and twist it into something else. I think its time to open our eyes and realize masturbation is natural and quit hiding the topic from the world and promote: Sex can wait Masturbate!

If your interested in the article I was referring to its called: "Roundup: Masturbation as Natural as Breathing....Let's Ban That, Too"- by Jodi Jacobson ...I think its a pretty interesting read!

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